Physical Activity and Reduction of Mortality
Many studies have shown the relationship between physical activity and reducing premature mortality, and this something is the cause.
According to the expertise of INSERM, studies of 5000 people from different countries reveal a mortality rate decreased among physically active individuals compared with inactive people
These results are not influenced by age and cause of death.
Men seem more concerned than women.
The decrease in mortality varies from 2 to 58% depending on the type and the level of activity and according to studies.
It seems that an expenditure from 1000 to 1700 Kcal per week would be associated with a decrease in mortality

A decrease in mortality of 30%
A prospective study published end of 2007 and with 250,000 people, shows that a practical
a nearby level to that of the recommendations for the activity of moderate (at least 3 hours
a week, 30 minutes a day about) or for the activity of high (at least 20 minutes 3 times per week) reduces the risk of mortality in the order of 30%.
Cardio vascular mortality
Most studies suggest an inverse relationship between physical activity and premature mortality from cardiovascular disease, the highest mortality rate.
Even if it is done in moderation, physical activity is accompanied by a substantial benefit in terms of health.
A study reveals that past physical activities are not protective alone
According to the expertise of Inserm, one study reveals that past activities are not they only protective and that income is lost when you shut down the sport.

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