Constipation - Causes, symptoms and treatment


Acute constipation is traditionally defined by a slowing of the bowel which will trigger a decline in the frequency of bowel movements that appear dehydrated. The person will find it difficult to go to the saddle, or even in some cases, don't go there at all. When constipation, i.e. the delay in the passage to the saddle lasts only a few weeks (at height of less than 3 weekly stool), we speak of momentary constipation (or occasional constipation). Intestinal transit then resumes a normal frequency. Severe constipation is constipation with a frequency of less than one seat per week and resistant to medical treatment. Severe constipation can be acute, i.e. speaking abruptly and a duration reduced or even chronic, i.e. for a period of several months or years.


There are constipation due to a disorder of the progression of the stool, representing the most common case and in direct connection with slowed transit, another type of constipation called Terminal constipation or dyschesie rather in connection with a difficulty of evacuation stool.
Arbitrarily defines constipation at the moment it is found that the person will less than 3 times per week seat, but it is however possible to be constipated in the presence of a higher frequency of defecation. It can also be manifested by a need to push to exempt (make POO), a sensation of remaining stool after exempt or during incomplete evacuation, the need from time to time to help the fingers to complete the evacuation. An episode of acute constipation will be determined by the following criteria which will arise purposefully, for a few days or a few weeks: saddles are particularly harsh, they are dry and issued in small quantities or non-existent. The elimination is not effective.


The diagnosis will rely on interrogation looking for the signs listed above. Can also be a radio of the abdomen (Abdomen without preparation) or ASP of uncertainty which will show a stagnation of material, either a rectal exam looking for a stool plug, called fecal impaction. A clinical examination is also carried out with palpation of the abdomen: belly can be found hard and bloated, stool may be felt on palpation.


First-line treatment is a diet rich in fibre, sufficient hydration (favouring water Hepar ® for example). In the case of abundant feces found in the Terminal part of the digestive tract in the rectal ampulla (Normacol ®, spillway enema) enema can be made to eliminate the stool and restore the transit. The use of Glycerin (suppository) can also facilitate the elimination of stools. A laxative (lactulose, macrogol) oral treatment will be implemented in cases of chronic constipation to take several weeks to restore correct transit. 


As prevention, it is preferable to feed correctly (balanced using a fibre-rich diet diet), en is hydrating correctly (drink in the order of 1.5 L of water per day and move enough to maintain a correct intestinal transit and prevent episodes of constipation.) In general, a change in diet is enough to restore transit.

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