Let Your Intuition Speaking

Annoyances, frustrations, oppositional attitude create a psychological pain that alienates the individual from the feeling of happiness.
Face permanently to choices, we are all tempted to resort to our only reason to find solutions to the difficulties that we reserve the existence.
These rational choices create sometimes stress that they release the spirit.
The 'let go' and the use of the spontaneity of our intuitions are instead creating positive energies.

Intuition makes happy

In love, to work or to choose the place of our next vacation, follow our intuitions more that our reason allows us to open another look at reality.
This change of look is essential. It facilitates the discovery of the happiness of being oneself and act in accordance with his instinct that often is nothing more than a form of expression of our unconscious.
Who has not felt this feeling of liberation after making a decision controlled by a deep aspiration?
The intuition is that little inner voice who knows how to make us happy and who says what we do, how we act in response to a given situation.

Intuition: a form of intelligence

Intuition guides us through the maze of our relationships with others, but also in how to interpret and respond to the choice which we are constantly faced.
Allowing us to be in tune with ourselves, intuition facilitates synchronization between what is outside and our interiority.
World social, universe of emotions or practicality, our intuitive intelligence is at the service of the constant search for harmony between these three poles.
The more or less high degree of this harmony, are dependent on our perception of happiness and our ability to feel happy.
Let our intuitive intelligence opens more easily the paths of intimate knowledge of our inner States where precisely lie the keys to our well-being.

Mesotherapy for weight loss



Mesotherapy involves the injecting of drugs under the skin with fine needles, syringes or using compressed air pistol.

The Use
This method is widely used in the treatment of pain, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, especially in sports circles.

The Efficiency
In the field of weight loss Mesotherapy has become very trendy and very expensive ever have demonstrated effectiveness.

Physicians who intend to perform the injections once or twice a week for several months, prices range from 40 to 70 Euros on average, usually not supported, by the health insurance fund. Prices can be up to several thousand euros.

Results weight loss is very low. Patients rarely, there is also know, which products are injected them (usually a mixture of vitamins, vasodilator...).

Some practitioners are sometimes illegally leaves to care for a refund or ask to be paid in cash. The French society of Mesotherapy is currently working on this issue in cooperation with the Ministry of health and hope to establish the rules of good practice in this area and greater transparency in the proposed product for weight loss.

Hazard Mesotherapy
Mesotherapy can sometimes represent a danger. As all the disciplines of medicine, have risks. In April 2007, 13 women and one man are victims of many abscess follow session Mesotherapy to dilute their cellulite, performed by a doctor. These patients become victims of nosocomial infections rarely induced, apparently with the presence of bacteria in the piping system. For some, surgery is required.

Do Not Underestimate Your Mood


Never underestimate your mood as if the liver was in bad condition, it could damage the health can even result in death, based on the research of Dr. Ghanshyam Pandey of the University of Illinois, Chichago, has recently been cases of worsening of accelerated death amid & health community because it is triggered by a bad mood. Conditions worsening mood due to many factors, including the desperate, discouraged at a glance are harmless but can be fatal. Common disorders associated with deteriorating mood in some form such as sleep disorders, disorders of the skin, abdominal disorders, blood pressure, colds, migraines, headaches accompanied by nausea and sight impaired, a number of diseases of the bone, kidney imbalances, breathing difficulties, allergies, heart attacks and brain membengkakan, of course, not all types of the disease are associated with mood but naturally has proved that the cause of such health problems caused psychiatric factors.

Despair, disillusionment, depression and various types of diseases that afflict many people's mood is always covered by a concern due to the feelings such as anxiety, fear, feeling insecure, emotional outbursts and excessive pressure which destroys the body's balance. When someone gets a load out of pressure or limits the ability of himself, his body reacts and evokes the sound of the siren as a sign of danger so that trigger biochemical reactions in the body, increased levels of body reaction andrenalin rises, sugar, cholesterol and fatty acids moves into the bloodstream, the blood pressure and heart rate increases be skipped. Glucose travels to the brain, cholesterol levels rise, and all of this makes the body deteriorates.

Therefore, do not underestimate your mood due to a deteriorating mood altering normal functions in the body. It can be fatal on the health of your body. Disruptive andrenalin and cholesterol increased above the normal threshold in quite a long span of time, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, sores on the walls of the digestive, respiratory diseases, eczema, psoriasis and even impact the death of brain cells. All changes that occur on the body from a State that used to be healthy to sick condition known as body image distortion or a ' Distortion of body image ' is the impact of the mood deteriorated health condition that attacks the body.

Brown Spots or Age Spots

Brown spots that are also called "age spots" or 'tasks of Sun' actually can appear at any age on neck, shoulders, face and hands: they are mainly caused by exposure to UV rays.
What are caused by brown spots?
Also called "age spots" spots but they are mostly caused by repeated solar exposures: they can be visible on young people. The brown spots are clumps of melanin that react to long or intense solar exhibitions. Attention, sometimes these spots do not necessarily correspond to solar exposure: it little be of moles, melanomas, of seborrhoeic keratoses...
Always consult a dermatologist
Before the appearance of brown spots, it is essential to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
The treatments and techniques
Different treatments to regress or hide spots.
Reduce pigmentation
To decrease the pigmentation of these tasks, we use specific creams that reduce the formation of melanin (hypopigmentantes cream) and that enable to fade pigmentation: are then used for bleaching creams. Do not apply them on a too long time. It should also be to settle for an application on the task and not on the healthy skin around the task (risk of clarification).
Heavier treatments
It is also possible to destroy the spots by following other types of treatments. Cryotherapy involves freezing the skin with liquid nitrogen, which will have the action destroy cells and exfoliate the skin. The peeling is an application of acid on the skin that will flake off and then regenerate. It is possible to remove brown spots thanks to the laser that under the action of heat, removes the surface layer of the skin where the pigments are contained: in 5 to 6 days, a 'new' skin unblemished went on to reform. These treatments result in the formation of small crusts which heal in a week on average. Do not expose to the Sun after treatment.

Spasmophilia - How to Avoid it

Reduce the consumption of alcohol and stimulants
Reduce consumption of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea that may be triggering and aggravating factors.
Practise regular sport activity
Physical activity allows to free his body from nervous tension and focus on selected sport, putting aside his anxieties.
Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, substances released by the brain, resulting in a State of euphoria and lightness and analgesic effect. On the other hand, these endorphins decrease anxiety and regulates the body face stressful situations.
Lie down and get up at regular times
A quiet and regular life with a sleep at regular times mitigate risks of attacks.
Learn to breathe
Know well breathing, calm, no panic to avoid hyperventilation caused during the crisis of spasmophilia.

Breathe calmly.
Applying a wet compress on the forehead.
Listen to the music.

Do relaxation exercises
Do yoga or Sophrology for example to help to better react to the onset of a crisis.
Sleep well

Ventilate the room.
Do not overheat.
Do not make too hearty meals at night and not to bed immediately after dinner.

Learn to rest and relax

Listen to the music.
Walking in the forest...

Eating foods rich in calcium and magnesium
Even if the deficiency of magnesium and calcium are again put into question in the occurrence of spasmophilia, consumption of foods rich in magnesium and calcium could have a beneficial effect.
Magnesium-rich foods

Green vegetables, such as spinach for example.
Fruit (kiwi, bananas).

Calcium-rich foods

Dairy products.
Fruit and vegetables.
Certain (calcium-rich) mineral waters can be complementary sources.

Well hydrated
Drink 1.5 litres of water per day on average per day.
Learn how to not panic when a crisis occurs
Learn how to not to panic when the first manifestations of a crisis occur remains probably one fundamental point. The assistance of a physician and/or a "shrink" can be very beneficial.


Blood in Stool - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

The presence of blood in the stool is an abnormal symptom to take into consideration. The cause is often benign, varies the color of bleeding. However, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor as soon as the first bleeding.
Black blood
Bleeding color allows to perform an initial diagnosis when bleeding are black, known as melena. The color results from a partial digestion of blood. The presence of this thick liquid in the stool is due to a hemorrhage of the upper part of the digestive tract.
Red blood
It also allows a diagnosis when bleeding are red, one speaks of hematochezia. Their presence in stool is a sign of bleeding from the lower part of the digestive tract (colon, rectum, anus).
Bleeding shadows
Note: bleeding can also be invisible, so-called "hidden", as in the case of colorectal cancer. Their discovery is then made during bioassays and requires further investigations.
Lower GI bleeding
The presence of blood in the stool can be explained in several ways. Among the most frequent causes of lower GI bleeding are hemorrhoids, it is the most common cause (dilation of veins in the anal is manifested by pain and bleeding, which can then find in the stool), annales, just as frequent, cracks that may be the direct consequences of constipation, which is inflammation of the Rectal Mucosa proctitis, in the lower part of the intestine (which can cause bloody stools) and digestive diseases: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or even ulcerative colitis are examples. In these cases, a long term medical treatment is essential.
High GI bleeding
The main causes of the high GI bleeding melena is peptic ulcers, varicose veins oesophagus and acute gastric erosions, drug generally (aspirin, anti-inflammatory), and gastric tumors...
Depending on the progress of the disease, a doctor will recommend using a cream or an ointment of corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory medication. It is generally the case for hemorrhoids and the fissures. Surgery can also be performed in the most extreme cases.

 source: http://sante-medecine.commentcamarche.net