Anorexia and Bulimia: The Disease to take Seriously

The relentless pursuit of thinness among adolescent girls may seem normal because of the social pressure exerted on them in this regard. However, it is important to distinguish the desire to be thin real food behavior - e.g. anorexia disorder.

Adolescence is a stage of life sometimes characterised by doubt, discomfort and transformations. This is the period where one leaves children to enter the adult world. Among the girl, it happens that this transition is hampered by the onset of eating disorders (commonly food disorders called) often associated with depression, anxiety and self-harm. There are several, the most well-known two being anorexia, characterized by a refusal to eat, and bulimia, characterized by food compulsions. These two seemingly opposing behaviors demonstrate a significant discomfort and result in psychological problems and physical that should take charge quickly.

Anorexia and bulimia affect especially teenage girls or women of less than 25 years. Only a small proportion of sufferers are male.
How to recognize anorexia?

Initially, anorexia can be difficult to detect. It is characterized by an obsessive will remain thin associated with important dietary restrictions.

The manifestations of anorexia can be highly variable. Here are some clues of anorexia:

The person loses a lot of weight.
It is of excessive exercise.
She said big while she did not accuse a real overweight.
She never eats in your presence.
It systematically denies certain foods.
It counts or weighs the food it consumes.
She uses drugs (diuretics, laxatives, etc) which are not indicated on the medical plan.
She made negative remarks about her physical: "my body is ugly, unsightly, unnecessary, a cannonball, etc.", "I hate it...". ', 'I am awful...' », etc.
She said 'what be a spirit or a soul', to get rid of his body.
It isolates itself, folds back on itself.

As it progresses, the disease can have serious consequences, such as:

the extreme thinness;
erasure of the female form;
the melting of the muscles;
the absence of menstruation;
a drop in blood pressure;
a disturbance of the heart rhythm.

In the most severe cases, the person's life may be endangered.
How to recognize the bulimia?

Bulimia is consumption, in a short period of time, a quantity of food, without pleasure, without hunger and satiation, accompanied by a strong sense of loss of control, of guilt and self-loathing. In extreme cases, there may be risk of suicide as a result of compulsive behavior.

To overcome negative feelings and compensate his overeating, the bulimic person can notably:

to induce vomiting;
use laxatives or laxatives;
take enemas;
to very intense physical exercise.

Here are some other clues of bulimia:

The person has significant weight variations.
It demonstrates a strong passion for food excessively salty, sugary or caloric.
It has scratches or marks on the hands (sign that she is throwing up).
She hastens to go to the bathroom after eating.
It is its weight and appearance its principal subjects of conversation.
She is very anxious.
She is irritable and mood swings.
It devalues constantly.
It isolates itself, folds back on itself.

Like anorexia, bulimia can affect the appearance and health of the person, such as:

dental problems (due to repeated vomiting);
swelling of the parotid (salivary glands in the cheeks) glands;
damage to the esophagus, stomach and intestines, causing some disorders of digestion;
problems heart or kidney, due to fluid loss and disorders that ensued.

Winning strategies

If someone you love is struggling with an eating disorder, here are a few tips:

Please be patient. Cure anorexia or bulimia is a complex and long-term process that requires sustained effort.
Set aside judgments; try rather to understand the suffering behind the disease.
Do not attempt to "reason", the person wanting to make him aware of its 'through' or his misperceptions. Eating disorders are often accompanied by a certain distortion of reality. For this appear you wacky or not, the person is big.


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